Short update
Short update:
On Sunday, the fleshy pterosaur model and the pterosaur skeleton, as well as a smaller Jobaria exhibit (neck only) were installed. On Monday, while the library was open for business, Suchomimus was installed next to the Adult Services information desk and Deltadromeus was put in the Young Adult area. Lots of little kids and big kids (and adults) ooh'd and aah'd at Jobaria. Later today is the installation of Afrovenator in the Youth Department. The exhibit officially opens on Tuesday, September 6.
Photos of Sunday's and Monday's proceedings will be postedlate tonight or tomorrow.
On Sunday, the fleshy pterosaur model and the pterosaur skeleton, as well as a smaller Jobaria exhibit (neck only) were installed. On Monday, while the library was open for business, Suchomimus was installed next to the Adult Services information desk and Deltadromeus was put in the Young Adult area. Lots of little kids and big kids (and adults) ooh'd and aah'd at Jobaria. Later today is the installation of Afrovenator in the Youth Department. The exhibit officially opens on Tuesday, September 6.
Photos of Sunday's and Monday's proceedings will be posted
Hey! This blog is grrrrrreat!!!
I love dinosaurs!
Anonymous, at 10/05/2005 3:03 PM
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